He's been stung, bitten, and spiked or scratched by over 50 different species to date. Here is an ongoing ranking of the top 25 encounters that have caused Coyote the most pain. *DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME*
Where will Coyote's next painful encounter land in the rankings?
If you’ve ever wondered what would happen if you stuck your arm in a Yellow Jacket nest, Coyote Peterson has done the research with officially the craziest thing he’s ever done: stick his arm into a box of 200 angry Yellowjackets!
Not all of Coyote’s encounters are intentional. In this episode, he receives the WORST animal bite of his life when he is accidentally bitten by the only venomous lizard in the United States, the Gila Monster!
The culmination of Coyote Peterson’s purposeful bite experiments has led him to this ultimate creepy crawly finale…taking a chomp from what is said to be the most painful bite of any creature in North America!
The trichomes of the Gympie Gympie, the most painful stinging plant in Australia and maybe the world, inject venom straight into the skin, which can leave a person in unbearable pain. Find out what it looks like, how to avoid it, and how to treat the sting should you encounter it!
In one of the most remote stretches of wilderness in all of Japan, Coyote and the crew come across none other than the Japanese GIANT Hornet, which injects venom in such a high dosage that it can destroy tissue and attack the nervous system of its victims. Will Coyote be able to withstand the pain?

In what was initially Coyote’s EPIC conclusion of his climb up the insect sting pain index, he returns to the home of the Bullet Ant and Warrior Wasp to track down and take on the much-anticipated sting of the Executioner Wasp!
On this episode, Coyote takes on the Bullet Ant Challenge and is STUNG by one of the most painful insect sting in the world, an experience that is said to feel like “being shot by a gun” and last for over 24 hours. Will the intensity of the Bullet Ant sting match its legendary status?
American alligators are becoming increasingly popular in the pet trade, and while Coyote loves alligators, he is the first one to say that owning them as pets is NEVER a good idea. To demonstrate why, he shows the damage capable that just a two-year-old juvenile can inflict upon an unwary pet owner!
Now this was completely NOT supposed to happen. Coyote attempts to show that Honeybees are our friends…but his “Bee Beard” experiment completely backfires when a “sting pheromone” is somehow introduced and he is attacked and stung in the face by a swarm of over 3000 angry Bees!
The Lionfish has quickly become one the most destructive invasive species to marine life on the East Coast of the United States and if that’s not enough they also have an extremely painful venom they often violently spike into unsuspecting divers and fisherman. Yikes!

These spider wasps are the largest species of wasp in North America but are most notorious for their macabre breeding habits where they inject venom to paralyze their prey, keeping it alive for their larvae to feed on once hatched. Creepy!
These stunning iridescent blue paper wasps live in the dense jungles of Central and South America. But don’t let their beauty fool you, these speedy wasps pack a seriously powerful punch that can cause major injury and even death when swarmed in high numbers!
The Velvet Ant, which is actually a species of wingless wasp, is well known for possessing one of the most painful stings in the insect kingdom. In fact, this legendary sting is so painful it has even earned them the nickname “cow killer” because it is said to be so excruciating it can kill a cow.
Known for their fearsome reputation, piranhas are often thought of as nature's most notorious biters. But how much of this reputation is myth, and how much is reality? To find out, Coyote plunges his hands into a tank of live piranhas to see if they’ll attack or if their instincts are more cautious than we’ve been led to believe.
Coyote’s backyard barbecue is interrupted when some uninvited guests show up...the paper wasp and bald-faced hornet. In this double sting episode, Coyote puts Sting-Kill to the test against these Midwest backyard stingers and determines once and for all who packs the bigger punch!

Coyote takes a major bite from a huge alligator snapping turtle! Yes, this is absolutely a crazy thing to do, and we can’t stress enough that this should NOT be attempted by anyone, EVER. Coyote only went through with this challenge to promote awareness and understanding of this incredible species.
Coyote and the crew take on the bite from a specially trained K9 Malinois! While it was all in good fun, these dogs have one seriously powerful bite force, are extremely intelligent, and do some of the most amazing work in today’s law enforcement in an effort to keep people safe all across the world.
While most of Coyote’s painful encounters are intentional, this accidental nip just proves once again how formidable the bite of a common snapping turtle really can be when his finger gets snapped beneath the water's surface. YIKES!
While out trying to catch a tarantula hawk, whose incredibly painful sting is dangerous enough, leave it to Coyote to run after one and lose his balance, falling into a minefield full of cholla cactus! OUCH!
They may look innocuous, but the leaves of the Australian giant stinging tree, aka the Devil's Toilet Paper, are covered in near-microscopic stinging hairs that, when brushed up against by an unlucky hiker, animal, or Coyote, latch onto flesh and deliver serious stinging pain!

Did you know that more people die from caterpillars than sharks, lions, and bears combined every year? Coyote and team venture deep into the Costa Rican wilderness again to illustrate just how painful the stinging bristles from these tiny creatures can be!
While its sting isn’t quite comparable to that of a bullet ant, they certainly are painful, and more people are likely to encounter them at things we all enjoy, including picnics, hiking, and even sporting events! So he won’t just be showing you the effects of a sting but also how to treat one.
In this episode, Coyote attends a wedding only to find out there was an uninvited guest... fire ants! Luckily, Coyote is here to teach you how to avoid being scorched by these ants if you ever come across them...and he’ll also show you how to heal the pain!
Cicada killer wasps, known for their intimidating look, are some of the largest wasps in North America, but are they as fierce as they appear? In this episode, Coyote comes out of his sting retirement to compare the damage of a cicada killer with stings from the past.
In this episode, Coyote is in Arizona, and he's entering a swarm of killer bees! Yep, you read that correctly...He's working alongside bee specialist Chris Brinton to assist in analyzing the aggression level of an Africanized bee colony that was recently discovered in a residential neighborhood!